Each week, we have virtual meetings with seniors. Activities include trivia, breathing exercises, art, music, and storytelling. This helps seniors communicate in a safe space each week.
Cultural music every Saturday. Provides a safe space for African seniors, youth, and parents to enjoy music. This program promotes mental health in the African-Caribbean community.
weekly distribution of culturally appropriate food. Delivered to the doorstep of seniors and isolated individuals. Food picked up by families and youth. Grocery gift cards and groceries are distributed to Black immigrants and refugees to provide financial support for these individuals.
Language instructors will provide English language lessons to African and Caribbean newcomers.
Understanding the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary school systems in Canada is an important hurdle to overcome. Seminars will be held that help navigate immigrant parents and children through this process to ensure the success of our students.
Immigration workshops help Black newcomers through the Canadian immigration process. An immigration lawyer works along with African and Caribbean immigrants.
Workshops that will help participants to build a resume for applying to jobs and gaining an income for them to support themselves and their families.
Resources will be provided to community members so they can apply for jobs.
Adults, seniors and youth are provided with resources needed to get a job. Steps on finding a job, and job interviews. These workshops are culturally sensitive and ensure equitable access to resources.
Job interview training equips candidates with essential skills to confidently navigate interviews, including effective communication, question handling, and presenting strengths. This training helps individuals improve their chances of success by practicing real-life scenarios and receiving constructive feedback.
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