The Black population makes up the highest percentage of visible minorities in Northwest Toronto at 19%.
This population is composed of immigrant African and West Indians who speak dialects including but not limited to Yoruba, Igbo, Housa, and Patois.
Over 30% of the residents are low income with poor housing, relying on government resources to sustain their families. Immigrant residents have been historically plagued with lack of access to job and school resources.
Our mission is to provide education, counseling, and other support services. We work with Black immigrants and refugees from Africa and the Caribbean in the Jane-Finch, Jane-Wilson, and Oakdale Village communities. Our programs address their needs through language instruction, employment training, job training, job search programs, translation services, and information programs in Canadian culture and life.
We aid families facing financial difficulties through our food distribution and grocery gift card programs. Weekly programs include culturally conducive games and activities to create a safe space and promote mental health. Through education participants get help to create resumes, search for employment, and prepare for job interviews. Program participants are enabled through the program to become more independent and successful members of Canadian society.
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